This round we've decided the cosplay into three convenient categories:
AWESOME STUFF for original ideas and master artisanship,
NERDY STUFF for the skeletons in our closet,
and PERVY STUFF for what you're all here to see in the first place.
Take a load off, forget all about difficult topics such as nuclear power for a few minutes, and enjoy the show!
Predator VS possible child predator.
Leopaldon lets loose an explosive Hell Shell.
There was a whole hunting squad of Predators with hand-dyed camo tights.
This one even had a voice transmographier to give him an alien growl!
Sukeban deka is among the highest forms of crossplay.
One of the many things Wonder Festival has over Comiket is an anything-goes weapons policy, hence the extreme craftsmanship seen here and in our next photo.
You can count on the bikini babes to be in the same spot from opening to closing, whereas dudes like this bless the venue with their presence just long enough to get the point across. Get too caught up in snapping shima-pan, and you'll miss 'em.
Say hello to the original Robo Cop, scumbag.
You're not going to get very far into the cosmos wearing aluminum foil booties.
This sort of kigurumi is more than acceptable, it's praise-worthy.
Snake Man Lady.
The youngest in a family of witches. When both of your parents are devout cosplayers, otakuism is no longer a choice, it's something you're born into, like poverty or Christianity.
G-Gundam gets treated like the red-headed stepchild of the franchise, so a Domon and Rain combo in particular makes this hand of mine glow with an awesome power.
Yes, cosplayers will pose with outside props if you ask them nicely.
Not the best Gilgamesh costume of the day, but that asshole scowl made him the most in character.
Let's get this gravy train rolling with Saber from Fate/Extra Large.
That "helping hands" joke is always a guaranteed icebreaker.
The photos and content therein do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of TSB as a whole. (Just Dr. Senbei's.)
Seeing this many allied meat puppets in one place always makes me wonder. Is there an underground kigurumi scene where they plan these gatherings? Do the members interact unmasked? Most importantly, how do you cruise somebody when you both have perma-grins?
Some huntsmen like to get close enough for their prey to smell them, thus eliciting a squeal of surprise, before pulling the trigger.
Normally snapping low-anglers is the cosplay equivalent of spawn-scumming, but the extreme unlikelihood of this scene is more like catching Halley's Comet during a solar eclipse.
Randoseru backpacks are the unmistakable mark of an elementary school student. Just sayin' is all.
Sneak preview of the forthcoming cosplay event SimStim experience to get your neurons spurting dopamine all over your cranial net!
Full album here!
Show's over folks! Time to turn your brain back on and get back to more productive things, like surfing your Twitter feed or checking in on your Googling "shima-pan". We'll be back next time with some actual content, honest!
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