Title: Hakaijyu (ハカイジュウ)
Serialized in: Shonen Champion Comics, 2010-present
Art and story by: Honda Shingo (本田真吾)
Genre: B-grade sports splatter horror.
What it’s about:
Any given sports manga could be improved if monsters killed off the starting lineup within the first few pages. Imagine, endless volumes of tired clichés and pre-fabricated character arcs liquidated before the first practice. You would only be left with the good stuff—Cock-sure teenagers now pissing themselves in abject terror as they flee from an unknown, unstoppable, malignant force. Hakaijyu delivers a care package from 80’s monster movies topped with a bow fabricated out of bloody jock straps.
The hero, the bully, the honor student, the nerd. This small group of students that escaped the initial attack must now set aside their schoolyard personas and work together towards mutual survival. Teamwork is their sole advantage over the creatures hunting them. For the various species of monsters are competing for the same food source, and resources are dwindling quickly…
Why it’s awesome:
There are two types of brutality in horror films. The kind that reminds you of your humanity, and the kind that makes you sick to be human. I don’t need to watch someone have their eyeball blowtorched or have their fingernails removed for sport. I will, however, pay good money to see some asshole get headbanger face ripped, or drawn and quartered by zombies. Hakaijyu is a gourmet meat lover’s pizza heaped with steaming entrails, still-twitching limbs, and all-purpose gore. It takes us from the sterile prisons patrolled by Eli Roth and back to the creature factories staffed by Rob Bottinz and Stan Winston.
Every character has one redeeming quality, and that is the guarantee that at some point they will die in the most spectacular fashion.
Hakaijyu wastes no time in setting up the desperation of the situation. An early scene drags us along a pulse-pounding chase through an apartment complex from what we think is a pack of toothy pseudopods. They’re slobbering down stairs, crashing through ceilings, and hoisting themselves over balconies. How many of these things can there be? It is only after the cast escapes to the ground floor that they realize that the bundles of slavering jaws all belong to the same bloated monstrosity, who now encircles the building like a titan centipede. Their lives have been saved, but all hope is lost. For across the city, countless variations of the same lumbering silhouettes tower over the skyline like uncontrollable trellises looking to choke out the sun. Humanity is doomed, and it’s only a matter of time before the teens join their classmates in the belly of the beast.
This type of story could only be possible in Shonen Champion. From Eko Eko Azarak to Kyofu Shinbun, the magazine is infamous for its darker, though not necessarily maturer edge. Consider the market leader, Shonen Jump, whose mission is to brainwash children into productive worker drones through their message of friendship and perseverance. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again—Don’t work smarter, just work harder! Hakaijyu presents a philosophy that’s closer to home for teenagers: Entrance Exam Hell looms over everything like an eternal eclipse, friends are more valuable as decoys, and once the academic floodgates open, it’s a never-ending struggle to stay ahead least you be dragged down into oblivion.
Is this a life lesson or a course in Monster Films 101?
Of course, any hints of social subversion are likely accidental. Honda Shingo’s previous work, Ping Pong Dash, was a fight manga where combatants pulverized each other with jerry curl assisted serves and explosive volleys powered by Georgia MAX can coffee. His handling of the subject manner has all the finesse of a child ramming Matchbox cars into each other at top speed. Hakaijyu revels in its puerile stupidity, like a kid in his uncle’s VHS stash grinning from ear to ear as he watches Jason turn people in human accordions.
Why it won't come out in America:
The Creature Feature is an untapped creative resource in manga waiting to be thawed from the ice. If Parasyte is Tremors, an undisputed masterpiece of the genre, then Hakaijyu is the direct to video sequels. Not bad by any means, and definitely serviceable by the standards of most fans, but also not good enough to turn heads or draw a new audience to the fold. Too niche for the mainstream and not underground enough for the hardcore crowd, Hakaijyu will remain marooned on monster island, waiting for its chance to sneak away on a tourist ship and stow away to the mainland.
I can't see how fan's of Junji Ito wouldn't be clamoring for a fan translation of this. Not that I wouldn't want to buy it but until it's out "and I agree it will most likely never arrive in the US" a fan translation might actually drum up some excitement about it.
ReplyDeleteTitles like this are a real gray area for me. The stock argument is a slippery slope: "If it's (probably) never going to get licensed anyway, why not just bootleg it?" Hopefully digital publishing opens doors for more titles that would normally get glossed over.
ReplyDeletePing Pong Dash was one of the greatest manga ever written. Have you even read through it all yet?
ReplyDeleteI possibly exaggerate a bit, but I enjoyed the ping pong.
I can't believe this is the first I am hearing of a new manga by the guy.
I was unable to get through all of Ping Pong Dash. It's just too Shonen for me right now.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this, it feels like Ping Pong Dash! was just there to get his foot in the door so he could write the REAL madcap murder manga that he always wanted to.
Only time will tell if it can stay as consistently brutal as the first volume.
I would murder with wanton abaddon for stuff like this to be available for easy consumption on the iPad.
ReplyDeleteConsuming digital manga on pad-like devices is clearly the future. The sort of future that would have been fully embraced by Japan ten years ahead of the rest of the world just 20 years ago, alas.
I think the Japanese still prefer paper, and the localization side of the industry remains a meandering living fossil so while they are going to be dragging their feet over the next decade I already have access to thousands of fan translated manga via iPad apps or plain old aggregate websites.
Alas these so far lack the sophistication in all manners of their execution ranging from interface to consistency.
I don't know if Japan still prefers paper so much as the printing industry is protecting their turf (pulped dead trees) to the detriment of the publishing industry. Publishers themselves are very hesitant to jump on board with the new technology (though ebooks are showing healthy, albeit slow growth). Of course, they are even less willing to risk cutting their throats by helping out the competition, which is why I imagine there won't be a comprehensive format domestic or abroad for a long time.
ReplyDeleteSomething as shelf space-greedy and disposable a commodity as manga really needs to go digital to stay relevant. This isn't such an issue in Japan where logistics are easy (small country) and there are awesome bookstores at every station--perhaps another reason that publishers don't feel the pressure to move into ebooks.
Definitely an issue of too many cooks in the kitchen.
If you haven't already, you should check out the Scummy Manga review of Naruman, it goes over many of the basic problems the industry is struggling with right now.
It is funny how Japan used to be such a progressive society in adoption and development of new consumer technologies in the 80's and into the 90's when today they are falling behind the rest of the world on that front.
ReplyDeleteThat is the effects of a bubble economy bursting for you. I suppose when the long term effects of the similar western bubble burst event materializes then the same thing will happen over there.
Who will be the world innovator of wanton consumption then I wonder? China, Korea? The middle east even perhaps if all that oil money is better invested today. Who knows.
I'll be sure to make it to Naruman as I read your wonderful corner of the internet backwards at my own slow pace. Great work lads, I like your style.